Tuesday, December 6, 2011

imagick.so undefined symbol error on PHP 5.3

Background info: Runnind CentOs 5.5 (and 5.7 on another machine) with PHP 5.3.8.

After doing a "pecl install imagick" I was getting the following error, and imagick wasn’t showing up on phpinfo():

php: symbol lookup error: /usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626/imagick.so: undefined symbol: MagickWandGenesis

This thing was bugging me for weeks! But I finally got it working. The brunt of it is that you should use imagick-2.3.0 instead of the 3.x.x version. Here is what I did:

# yum install ImageM* netpbm gd gd-* libjpeg libexif gcc coreutils make
# cd /usr/local/src
# wget http://pecl.php.net/get/imagick-2.3.0.tgz
# tar zxvf ./imagick-2.3.0.tgz
# cd imagick-2.3.0
# phpize
# ./configure
# make
# make test
# make install

Once that’s done just restart apache and you’re good to go!

# service httpd restart

I wonder if anyone else had this issue.

Friday, May 6, 2011

CakePHP URL not found, 404 error message

If you just installed CakePHP, and you get the the “all is good” page, but with no styles(no colors), that means that you don’t have mod_rewrite enabled on your localhost! Solution:

  1. In the httpd.conf file in apache, change the line “AllowOverride None” to “AllowOverride All”.
  2. Also, search for the line in the httpd.conf file with the word “mod_rewrite”, and remove the pound(#) from the start of the line.
  3. After this is done, and the file is saved, restart your localhost(WAMPP, XAMPP, etc), and try again!

Why does this happen? CakePHP uses URL Rewriting to work, and by default, the localhost installations don’t have it enabled.

Simple as that, happy coding :)

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Can't Add Stroke to Photoshop Path - Fix

Just thought I'd drop by to update the blog a bit. Here is a recent error I couldn't find the fix online for, but found out myself.

If you're reading this, you have created a path with the Vector tool in Photoshop, and you aren't able to Stroke or Fill the path with your brush. First off, here is the fix that helped me:

Make sure that when you select the Vector tool, you have "Paths" selected at the top-left choices in Photoshop (see below image).


This was my problem. Now I’ll present some other tips in case this didn’t work:

  • make sure you have a regular layer selected, with Normal style and 100% opacity and fill. This means no Fill, or Path Layers
  • make sure you’ve set your brush correctly. You can use a default brush, which should work right away. If you want to use a more interesting brush, make sure it’s Spacing is enabled, and not too high. (F5 for the Brushes window)

Hope I helped someone with this :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

From Photo to Postage Stamp

Decided to drop the post numbering, it seems a bit silly in retrospect. Haven’t posted anythig here in a while ‘cause I thought noone reads it, but I have been proven wrong and I’m back :)

First things first. Open Photoshop and an Image you want to work on:Open you image

Now, select the Custom Shape Tool:Custom Shape tool

And from the Custom Shapes list, select the postage stamp:

Stamp Shape

Fill PixelsOut of the 3 choices in the upper left corner of your screen, click on the 3rd one (fill pixels):

Create a new layer: SHIFT + CTRL + N (press OK)

Stamp on PhotoDraw the postage shape on the new layer(no matter the color):


Right click the new Layer in the Layer Palette and then Blending Options: Blending Options

In this window, first thing to do is move the second slider(Fill Second Slideropacity) to zero:




CheckboxesNow, check the Bevel and Emboss, and Drop Shadow boxes to the left:

Now it’s time to play with the settings. Depending on the size of your photo, you are going to need different settings, but I’ll tell you what settings to keep in mind.


Click on Drop Shadow, and you will get it’s settings. Play with the Size and Spread sliders ‘till you get what you want:

Spread and Size

You could also mess with the Bevel settings, but we will skip that for now, so just click OK.

Magic WandSelect the Magic Wand Tool, and click out side the Click outside of stampstamp shape:



Select the photo from the Layer Palette, and press DELETE:image

  That would be it! You might want to change the background color, so with the outer part still selected, take the Paintbucket tool, with white color, and color it in.image

You don’t have to stop here. Invert the selection with SHIFT + CTRL + I(so the photo is selected), go to the filter gallery: Filter – > Filter Gallery, and choose an effect. I chose the Cutout filter, and added some text:


That’s it. There are some variations on the subject, and I would love to know what you would change to suite your needs, so feel free to write a comment on the subject :)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

#38 Photoshop won’t change from Hand tool!

This has happened to me today, of course at the time when I urgently need Photoshop(in my case CS4), and I found the solution. If you Googled this and wound up here searching for the fix to this, chances are the problem will fix itself by the time you are reading this, if not, try the trick below:

If you Photoshop is stuck on the Hand tool, try this:


Edit – > Preferences – > General – > [Reset All Warning Dialogs]

Problem should be solved now!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

#37 Links from TweetDeck not opening in Opera?

Not my usual forte, but I had this problem, and I just had to share the solution with you!

Windows XP has this section for setting the default browser on your machine, and that might be causing you trouble. For the sollution, got to your Control Panel, and then proceed to Add/Remove Programs.

addRemove                                 setProgramDefaults

After that click on Set Program Access and Defaults.


Click on the double down arrow next to the Custom option to open up the settings that we need.


Under the menu for Choose default Web Browser select Opera(or any other browser you want). Don’t worry about the checkbox on the right.

You are done! This has worked for me. I have seen reports that you  might need to restart your PC for this to take effect, so try that if it doesn’t help!

Monday, October 12, 2009

#36 Give Your Photos Power, in a few clicks

Have you ever wondered how other photographers have powerful colors in their photos? If you thought it’s all in the camera, you are way off track! Read on to find out the truth behind these photos…

Decide which photo you want to empower and open it in Photoshop (i think this works in all CS versions).

1) Duplicate the background layer (the only layer):

2) Apply a Gaussian blur to the new layer, to such an extent that you can’t make out the details, but you can make out the shapes:overlayFlowerBlur
Click on the picture for a better view.

3) And finally change the upper layers blending to Overlay:

overlayOverlay And you’re done! This particular photo looks like this:

Now that you know this simple solution, you can add other tricks to the same photo, like using this as a border, or applying it only to the background.

You can diminish this effect by reducing the opacity of the upper layer.

And remember, this was taken with a 100$ camera, so I am pretty sure you can do it with whatever you got ;)

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